Полтавець С. - Ініціативи президентів щодо адміністративно-територіального устрою в стратегічних комунікаціях незалежної України (2019)

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Poltavets Serhii

Teritorial Administration-Related Initiatives of Presidents of Ukraine as Shown in Independent Ukraine’s Strategic Communication

Abstract: The article is concerned with the implementation of the local government reforms initiated by the presidents of Ukraine. Reaction of society and political elites to the proposed transformations made via different groups of communication channels is traced. The approaches used by reform initiators for popularization and explanation of the need for changes are denoted. The contradictions in the current system of separation of powers became a significant obstacle for state institutions to perform their functions effectively on both the regional and national levels. The presidents of Ukraine considered the local government reforms as one of the most important systematic changes, which are still urgent up to date. The main stages of administrative reforms in Ukraine that had been implementing but unfortunately in the most cases hasn’t been introduced, prove that one of the main obstacles, except for the clear sabotage of reforms by political elites and various pressure groups, is that Ukrainian citizens have no awareness of the expediency and urgency for such transformations.

Keywords: decree, president of Ukraine, territorial administration, local government reform, decentralization, local communities, strategic communications.

Author(s) citation:

Poltavets Serhii (2019). Teritorial Administration-Related Initiatives of Presidents of Ukraine as Shown in Independent Ukraine’s Strategic Communication. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 113-137. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.113


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