Маленко Я. - Розвиток бібліотечних баз екологічної інформації як ресурс стратегічних комунікацій (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 52)Ukrainian English

Malenko Yana

Main Directions of Libraries Book Collections Acquisition with Ecological Publications under Decentralization

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main directions of formation in library establishments, especially regional, thematic bases on topics of organization of ecological activity. It is investigated that due to the decentralization reform, the concept of environmental policy in Ukraine is constantly evolving, revealing new solutions to environmental problems, using the main trends in the European Union. This reform should strengthen the organizational, material, financial and legal autonomy of local communities, ensure the separation of powers between local governments at different levels and transform the budget system in order for communities to have their own budgets, the opportunity to combine their efforts and finance, taking into account the combination of national, regional and local interests and specifics of socio-economic, ecological, political and cultural development. First of all, the successful development of this process should be ensured by its effective information and analytical support on the basis of an operational analysis of all problems and achievements. Therefore, information centers and library institutions: should establish permanent contacts with local authorities, find out their information needs and the most effective ways of cooperation; should form information bases for operational information for practical field assistance; must develop distant forms of information service; should develop inter-library cooperation in exchange of practical experience of decentralization, forecast-analytical materials.

Keywords: ecological activity, library manning, thematic information bases, decentralization.

Author(s) citation:
  • Malenko Yana (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Malenko Yana (2019). Main Directions of Libraries Book Collections Acquisition with Ecological Publications under Decentralization. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 153-161. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.153


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