Каращук О. - Моніторинг відкритих зарубіжних джерел інформації як перспективний засіб оцінювання іміджу країни (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 52)Ukrainian English

Karaschuk Oksana

Monitoring of Open Foreign Sources of Information as a Prospective Meaning of the Country’s Image Evaluation

Abstract: The article analyzes electronic foreign media outlets on the assessment of the image and position of Ukraine. It is proved that monitoring of open electronic sources of information today is one of the best ways to assess the reputation and image of society. The need to create information and analytical documents is objectively increasing, as it is through them that effective management decisions are formed. The article states that in the modern society the need for commissioning and the use of analytical activity itself is quite acute. This, in turn, obliges to create new analytical structures, subdivisions. Analysis of the project "Ukraine in the Focus of Foreign Media" allows to determine the range of issues that are relevant or vice versa, are not interesting to the consumer of information, and which countries are most interested in the topic of Ukraine in their publications. Some problems were identified during the preparation of analytical materials. It is proved that today Ukraine is at the center of not only regional mass media, but also in the center of foreign mass media, as evidenced by the increase in the number of articles in foreign publications.

Keywords: information-analytical activity, foreign media, information, library, analytical materials.

Author(s) citation:

Karaschuk Oksana (2019). Monitoring of Open Foreign Sources of Information as a Prospective Meaning of the Country’s Image Evaluation. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 215-226. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.215


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