Польовик С. - Інститут президентства в сучасному світі: аналіз матеріалів інтернет-ЗМІ, Макарова О. (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 52)Ukrainian English

Polovyk Svitlana, Makarova Olena

The Institute of Presidency in the Modern World: Analysis of Internet-Media Materials

Abstract: The article provides content analysis of materials from foreign online media resources and influential web-portals about the functioning of the institution of the presidency as sources of the informational-abstract bulletin “The institute of presidency in foreign media” issued by the Fund of the Presidents of Ukraine of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. In the bulletin one can find an analysis of actual problems of the functioning of the institution of the presidency all over the world through the eyes of international experts; comments of well-known figures in international arena about the legislative framework of the institution of presidency; review by foreign analysts of the president’s activities all over the world in domestic and international politics; analytical and prognostic information about the relationship of the presidents with their administrations, national parliaments and executive branch; evaluation of the Ukrainian presidents’ image by foreign journalists.The article contains analysis publications about the institution of the presidency, the main areas of the president’s spheres of activities, the rating of presidents by the number of publications, the activity of the world media in forming of the image of presidents, the tone of reports about the presidents. It was investigated The dynamics of the main indicators of qualitative and quantitative changes in the representation of foreign Internet-media of the institution of presidency in the system of supreme bodies of state power of the world countries is traced. It was clarified that the preparation and production of the informational-abstract bulletin “The institute of presidency in foreign media” by the Fund of the President of Ukraine promotes public informing on the domestic and foreign experience and the way institution of the presidency and presidential structures function. It was verified that the modern informational products formed by the libraries could not only accumulate and analyze the information about the activities of individual power structures, but also promote the public informing of the political life of society and form a vision of the world’s political processes.

Keywords: the institute of presidency, informational-abstract bulletin, the Fund of the Presidents of Ukraine, Internet-media, content analysis, public informing.

Author(s) citation:

Polovyk Svitlana (2019). The Institute of Presidency in the Modern World: Analysis of Internet-Media Materials. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 284-296. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.284


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