Бондаренко В. - Мобільні застосунки як інструмент комунікації органів державної влади та громадянського суспільства (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 52)Ukrainian English

Bondarenko Viktoriya

Mobile Applications as an Instrument of Communication between Public Authorities and Civil Society

Abstract: The article investigates the influence of individual mobile devices on the maintenance of information resources, outlining the possibilities of expanding information services with their help. The present state and development of mobile applications of government bodies and public organizations as modern means of communication are considered. The peculiarities and specifics of using mobile applications as a perspective and effective tool in the communication between state authorities and civil society are analyzed. The revealed and systematized experience of using mobile applications in social and political communication has allowed to formulate its preliminary typology according to the institutional level of its origin and priority tasks. The potential of using mobile technologies for improving the quality of authorities communication with citizens and involvement of the latter in discussing current problems is substantiated.

Keywords: mobile applications, information resources, innovative mobile technologies, information and communication technologies, electronic democracy, Internet, communication, Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Bondarenko Viktoriya (2019). Mobile Applications as an Instrument of Communication between Public Authorities and Civil Society. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 373-395. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.373


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