Шлапак Ю. - Е-підручник як електронне навчальне видання: практичний аспект використання (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 52)Ukrainian English

Shlapak Yuliia

Electronic Textbook as Electronic Educational Edition: Practical Aspect of the Use

Abstract: An increase interest in multimedia content as a result of rapid inclusion of innovative technologies in all industries of our life and in educational establishments, could be observed. It was multimedia content that among other, gives an opportunity to interest, and to promote interest of students to education, to improve maintenance of education, to individualize it, to perfect forms and methods of education, to facilitate the choice of future profession, etc. Information in an electronic textbook must be clearly structured and logically systematized; brought to conformity with student’ age, organized in successive and logical way. The structure of electronic textbook must be clear, that will give an opportunity clearly and correctly to set links between its separate parts.In order to develop an electronic textbook it is important to choose as a sources such editions (printed, electronic) that meet requirements of standard program and are laconic and comfortable for creation of hypertexts, contain plenty of examples and tasks, are presented in comfortable formats. It is necessary to remember, that a Electronic Textbook is needed not only to prepare to classes but also for students own work, and also to the students who study remotedly, and can spread to any electronic transmitters. Multimedia components (digital voice, fragments of video and animation insertions in basic part of edition), in author’opinion, are necessary in electronic editions on the whole, as there is dependence between the method of mastering of material and ability to renew knowledge after a while. Voice accompaniment could be given as authorial text, remarques, noise effects to illustrate events that take place. A sound could synchronously accompany videoshots or animation. Educational material must be distinguished by objectivity, scientific character; new concepts, uses of facilities of evidentness (illustrations, maps, charts, and others like that), must be sent to that, to pass to that, who studies, certain information, to teach him/her independently to use a book.

Keywords: e-textbook, multimedia material, animation, videoinformation, audioinformation.

Author(s) citation:
  • Shlapak Yuliia (V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv)

Shlapak Yuliia (2019). Electronic Textbook as Electronic Educational Edition: Practical Aspect of the Use. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 422-433. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.422


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