Симоненко О. - Досвід політико-комунікативних практик зарубіжних бібліотек з органами державної влади (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 53)Ukrainian English

Symonenko Olena

Experience of Political and Communicative Practices of Foreign Libraries with State Authorities

Abstract: The article examines the relevance and expediency of studying the political and communicative practices of libraries in the system of political and communicative connections and relations with public authorities. In this context the experience of foreign libraries is considered, the main directions of their participation are analyzed. The main factors that enable libraries to promote the effectiveness of government policy are highlighted. The potential of foreign libraries in the political communication system is outlined. Cooperation with authorities is one of the priorities for foreign libraries. For their part, public authorities need the most functional source of information that can help them to navigate in the complex and ambiguous world of politics and the economy, and obtain the maximum information needed on the topic of interest. Libraries have become institutions capable of meeting such requests. Therefore, it is obvious that the political and communicative activities of libraries with public authorities are a significant component and extremely important factor in the rational organization of effective reforms. Therefore, it is now relevant and appropriate to study libraries political and communicative practices in this perspective. The modern library is an institution that accumulates the interests of virtually all segments of society. The gradual formation of the foundations of the rule of law, ensuring transparency of the activity of governmental structures at different levels, improvement of the legislative system, citizens’ demand for reliable information to ensure their informed political choice, development of the non-state sector of the economy create the possibility to realize long-term library initiatives and perspectives. It necessitates the professional cooperation of libraries with the state authorities in various aspects. Thus, the multifunctionality of library activities enables the creation of multilateral partnership projects to address important tasks.

Keywords: library, political communication, political-communicative interaction, public authorities.

Author(s) citation:

Symonenko Olena (2019). Experience of Political and Communicative Practices of Foreign Libraries with State Authorities. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (53) 203-212. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.53.203


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