Дем'яненко М. - Інтернет-комунікації як складова медіатизації політичного процесу: соціокомунікативний аспект (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 53)Ukrainian English

Demianenko Mykhailо

Internet Communication as a Component of the Mediatization of Policy Process: the Socio-Communication Aspect

Abstract: The article is concerned with the study of the mediation of the political process in the conditions of Internet communications, from the standpoint of information and communication approaches. Some aspects of evolution of the concept are considered. In this paper the qualitative characteristics are analyzed, the positive and negative aspects of both the mediation of politics and the use of Internet communications as their modern component are identified, as well as the role and tendencies of influence of these processes on the political life of society are generalized. The process of policy mediation is analyzed as an information-strategic resource, which is caused by the need to adapt the subjects of the political process to the modern information and communication environment. The essence and features of Internet communications in the field of mediatization of policy have been considered. The basic principles of their communicative influence and differences in dissemination of information through traditional and new forms of mass communication are revealed. In this context, Internet technologies are considered as part of the political process, as well as its adapting to a new way of disseminating information through the use of new media communication in political activity.

Keywords: mediatization of policy; Internet Communications, Internet Technologies, Mass Media, Mass Communication, Political Process, subjects of politics.

Author(s) citation:

Demianenko Mykhailо (2019). Internet Communication as a Component of the Mediatization of Policy Process: the Socio-Communication Aspect. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (53) 213-226. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.53.213


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