Кривецький О. - Бібліотекар як інформаційний працівник у комунікаційному веб-середовищі (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 53)Ukrainian English

Krivetsky Oleg

Librarian as Information Officer in Communicative Web-Eenvironment

Abstract: Influence of web-environment on the professional competenses of librarian and journalist is analysed, the features of perception of network text readers are reflected. Attention is accented on The necessity for librarians to study basics of journalism and to increase level of their medialiteracy continuously is stressed. Traditional genres of communication journalism are brought. Library journalism is considered as fundamentally new direction of activity of libraries. The problems of library journalists certain in communication web-environment are defined.A role and influence of social informative communications in activity of libraries are studied, in particular, modern directions of development and introduction of electronic informative resources in scientific libraries. Basic directions of libraries informatization and application of innovative factors to reformation of libraries activity are considered. Comparison of features of text perception while reading from a screen and reading paper editions is conducted. The construction of news text is considered. The problems of library journalism are reflected. Priority directions of activity of librarians-journalists are preesented. Basic rules of web-journalism are brought in relation to the capture of new communicative facilities in WEB-environment, intended for maintenance of attention of user.

Keywords: library journalism, internet-journalism, medialiteracy, in-plant training.

Author(s) citation:

Krivetsky Oleg (2019). Librarian as Information Officer in Communicative Web-Eenvironment. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (53) 269-277. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.53.269


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