Горовий В. - Перспективи глобальної інформатизації в національному вимірі (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 53)Ukrainian English

Horovyi Valery

Prospects of Global Information in the National Dimension

Abstract: In the article the national level of development of information processes is considered as a unifying element of global, general civilizational and national interests in the modern creation of information, hypothesis about the development of the process of informatization as a mechanism for convergence of general public processes of information exchange with information exchanges in nature is presented.The progress of our society on the basis of further development of informatization, thus, directly depends on the realization of potential opportunities for organizing information activities at the national level of the social structure of society. In the synthesis of the main streams of information at this level of information exchanges, new knowledge is introduced into social practice. Responding to the challenges of the present, this knowledge ensures social progress, and facing these challenges, penetrates environment information flows, in the awareness of their content finds the necessary compromises, on the basis of which it integrates itself into the world.It should be noted that the process of self-organization of modern society, the growth of its organizational forms have acquired the rapid development precisely in the period of increasing globalization influences and development of relevant systems of social information communications. On the basis of electronic information technologies entering into all spheres of social activity and development of network organization, all components of the social structure have gained the opportunity of new information in the interests of their own development, which should be treated as a prerequisition for the development of the system as a whole. At the same time, the national level of cognitive activity and activation of information at the current stage of civilizational information activity is especially important.The development of informatization, which is the answer to the objective process of complicating and diversifying of modern reality challenges in the process of human evolution, is its natural reaction to the growing complexity of evolutionary problems. Improving the social structure of the new information society, growing reflection of its various social groups interests in its information activities, increasing requests for new information – all these led to the expansion and diversification of the system of socially significant sources of information resources, information databases, its storage, structuring and organization of its using.

Keywords: informatization, national measuring of development of informative processes, dadaism theory, national informative complex, national infobase, library sphere, sovereign informative resources, mental features of information creation, prospect.

Author(s) citation:

Horovyi Valery (2019). Prospects of Global Information in the National Dimension. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (53) 19-28. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.53.019


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