Горова С. - Розвиток соціальних комунікацій у контексті задоволення інформаційних потреб особи (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 53)Ukrainian English

Horova Svіtlana

Development of Social Communications in the Context of Personal Information Needs

Abstract: In our time development of new information and communication technologies has provided access of all categories of Ukrainian citizens to information resources, opened new opportunities and became an impetus for the growth of social activity of members of society, for the development of all spheres of public life, its socio-communication properties and structures. This process contributes to unlocking the creative potential of people, ensuring the increasing vitality of the social structures themselves, but also requires the response of modern society to the full range of challenges that it faces today.Electronic information technologies, becoming the most productive tool known to date for putting into practice the necessary information resources, have stepped up, accelerated the pace of material and spiritual goods production, helped to elevate the evolution of man to the requirements of nowaday, opening up his opportunities and abilities, new abilities and new social communities. At the same time, the development of information resources at all levels of their functioning, the creation of volumes of information which human civilization had been never encountered before, global computerization and Internet technologies have caused not only a new qualitative level of society development, but also created numerous problems of growth, whose solutions require realities of a new information society. These realities are based on the need to implement the basic principles of modern society: improving productivity in the information sphere, improving the efficiency of information resources using.

Keywords: library institutions, social communications, society, global information space, information bases.

Author(s) citation:

Horova Svіtlana (2019). Development of Social Communications in the Context of Personal Information Needs. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (53) 40-52. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.53.040


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