Пальчук В. - Інформаційно-аналітичні технології бібліотек у розвитку стратегічних комунікацій (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 53)Ukrainian English

Palchuk Valentyna

Library Information and Analytical Technologies in the Development of Strategic Communications

Abstract: The article highlights the features of technologies of information and analytical structures of libraries as universal socio-communication centers in the context of nation-wide reforms, such as decentralization of power, in the development of strategic communications during this period. Approaches to the organization of the communication process, elaborated and practiced by information and analytical structures of libraries technologies to introduce information on the reform of local self-government and decentralization of power, exchange of public opinion about it, etc. into the strata, are generalized. These issues are closely related to the research problem of generalizing approaches to organization of communication process, technologies of introducing information about the reform of local self-government and decentralization of power into the strata, exchange of public opinion about it etc., elaborated by the information-analytical structures of the libraries. The research question relates to generalization of the experience in introduction of new approaches to cumulation, dissemination of analytical information about the features of the implementation of the reform on decentralization of power in Ukraine, uniting communities in the regions, into the system of strategic communications.It is concluded that the adaptation of information and analytical technologies of leading libraries to the needs of strategic communications, society and the state is a necessary component at the stage of defining the tasks of functioning of library institutions. The logical result of development of scientific and methodological base for such research after completing analysis of the practice of implementing strategic communications should be determining of the special function of libraries informational and analytical units, which will suggest strategic interaction and mutual influence between individuals in the information environment.

Keywords: libraries, information and analytical units, strategic communications, V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Palchuk Valentyna (2019). Library Information and Analytical Technologies in the Development of Strategic Communications. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (53) 53-65. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.53.053


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