Медведєва В. - Значення бібліотечно-інформаційних продуктів у контексті наукової діяльності бібліотечних установ (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 53)Ukrainian English

Medvedeva Valentina

The Importance of Library Information Products in the Context of the Scientific Activity of Library Institutions

Abstract: The article presents the study of the value of library and information products in the scientific work of library institutions, analysis of the theoretical basis and practical experience of modern library institutions in the selection and provision of access to information resources. The main directions and ways of further improvement of the integration of library institutions in the information space are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the analytical aspects of information resources applying in a scientific library institution.The information function of the library institution through the close cooperation with customers is considered. This function is transformed into informational and analytical activity, it presuppose that on the basis of widely accessible library and information resources the most modern means of information transmission are used, which are capable to change the primary sources and significantly save the time.The attention is focused on the way in which library institution, while working out the methods of information processing, which, for the most part, are used for scientific research, organizes own materials that can satisfy authorities information demand. Information and analytical structures of library institutions become an effective and promising center for the information flow of modern society. The primary focus of library institutions work is emphasized. It could prove how actively they work in political, economic, scientific, educational spheres of the state, in particular, the information and analytical divisions of V. I. Vernadsky National Library (NBUV) – Information and Analytical Support Service of State Authorities of SiAZ, National Law Library (NUB), Foundation of Presidents of Ukraine (FPU). Attention is paid to the using of scientific library institution funds, which provides opportunity to prepare information and analytical materials that detail the events and processes, primarily, not only on the quantitative side, but also on qualitative one.

Keywords: library establishments, library and information products, library information resources, scientific libraries, information society, library institutions in the information society.

Author(s) citation:

Medvedeva Valentina (2019). The Importance of Library Information Products in the Context of the Scientific Activity of Library Institutions. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (53) 66-74. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.53.066


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