Коник О. - Слов’янський клуб у Кракові про поляків, росіян і майбутню державну думу жовтень 1905 р. (2019)

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Konik Alexander

The Slavic Club" in Krakov of polish, russian and the future state guidance. October 1905

Abstract: The article analyses the journal report on the meeting of the «Slavic Club» in Krakov in October 1905, Professor Marian Zdzihovsky personal impressions about participation in the September congress of Zemstvo representatives in Moscow by and an assessment of the prospects for granting autonomy the Zarstvo Polske. In discussion of his report prominent Polish intellectuals of the time took place and it became a vivid manifestation of the Polish nationalist discourse that fought against the Russian imperial project. The real practice of «Russian parliamentarism» in an open shortly after the State Duma did not justify the Polish hopes of gaining autonomy with the assistance of Russian liberals.

Keywords: congress of Zemstvo representatives in Moscow, Professor Zdzihovsky, «Slavic Club», Russian liberalism, Polish autonomy, nationalism.

Author(s) citation:

Konik Alexander (2019). The Slavic Club" in Krakov of polish, russian and the future state guidance. October 1905. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (54) 239–249. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.54.239


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