Соколова І. - Утвердження принципів поширення наукових матеріалів на умовах відкритого доступу в нормативно-правових документах України (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Sokolova Iryna

Support of the Open Access to Scientifi c Publications in Legislative Acts of Ukraine

Abstract: The article deals with the coverage of support for the initiative of open access to scientific information how it is reflected in the normative documents of Ukraine. The fact that Ukraine has legally supported the provision of open access to the results of scientific research created at the expense of the state budget, which is reflected in the Law of Ukraine «On the Fundamental Principles of Information Society Development in Ukraine for 2007–2015» of January 9, 2007, is considered as very important one. To date, a number of regulatory documents have been prepared, both by the legislature and the executive authorities, which determine mechanisms for collecting, storing and ensuring open access to scientific publications. The vast majority of them are devoted to the work of scientific repositories. Legal documents outline the mechanisms of creation and functioning of the National Repository of Academic Texts, repositories of scientific journals of Ukraine, and state the importance of creating a university repositories. These normative documents made it possible to form the repository «Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine», which is one of the largest repositories of scientific publications in Cyrillic in the world, operating under open access conditions. In November 2019, this resource has 2726 magazines, 1044.6 thousand full texts of publications. The active creation of university repositories in Ukraine should be noted. But the repositories of scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine are represented very little. Obviously, regulatory documents should be prepared with appropriate financial support. Ukrainian legislation requires the development and maintenance of open access journals. It is very positive that the Ukrainian authorities understand that it is necessary to ensure the reliable storage of arrays of scientific publications in an unstable digital environment.

Keywords: Open Access, scientific communications, repository, scientific library, legislation, regulatory legislation.

Author(s) citation:

Sokolova Iryna (2019). Support of the Open Access to Scientifi c Publications in Legislative Acts of Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 117-136. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.117


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