Самсонов М. - Інтернет-магазин як форма популяризації бібліотечної діяльності: нові напрями роботи веб-сайтів найбільших бібліотек світу (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Samsonov Mykhailo

Online Shopping as a Way of Promoting Library Activity: New Trends on the Websites of the World’s Largest Libraries

Abstract: In order to actively promote information and knowledge resources in today’s globalized information space, libraries are actively improving their activities, in particular by implementing effective directions for their websites. For example, icons with their own online store began to appear on them. The library’s website is the primary link of communication that shapes the image and image of the modern library, reflecting on the Internet the work of the library, its electronic resources and services. Having an online store enables the institution to advertise its business through recognizable library emblems on various products. In order to actively promote information and knowledge resources in today’s globalized information space, libraries are actively improving their activities, in particular by implementing effective directions for their websites. As an example, the article looks at the sites of the world’s three largest libraries, which are leaders in the number of collections and visits. The article explores the peculiarities of marketing policy implementation in the largest libraries in the world, including the sale of products and services that actively promote the activities of libraries on their sites. The assortment of the most popular offered products is analyzed. They drew attention to more detailed products that seemed interesting and valuable in the future to other libraries. What kind of clothes, decorations, dishes, books, furniture, emblems, decorations, souvenirs, prints and more attract visitors to the library site. In the future, a more detailed description of the goods that can be sold in libraries of Ukraine is made. Explore how to promote your country, history, celebrities, education and leisure, sports, healthy food through excursions, tours, seminars, tastings, and interesting products and services on the library’s website. How to get young children to read and love books. It describes which exhibitions and excursions are held by the libraries. Transformation of the world’s largest libraries into major cultural and entertainment centers for people of different fields of interest and age is being monitored.

Keywords: foreign libraries, online store on the site of the library, service, products, lot, excursion, tour, print, seminar.

Author(s) citation:

Samsonov Mykhailo (2019). Online Shopping as a Way of Promoting Library Activity: New Trends on the Websites of the World’s Largest Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 180-188. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.180


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