Добровольська В. - Модельний підхід у дослідженні соціокомунікаційного простору культури (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Dobrovolska Viktoriya

Model Approach in Researching of Culture Socio-Communication Space

Abstract: The article justifies the possibility of using a model approach in the study of the socio-communication space of culture. Attention is paid to the study of the socio-communication space of culture at the stage of development of information technology in the functional section as an integral part of the system of social communications. The socio-communication space of culture is considered as a complex system that not only provides information exchange in vertical and horizontal sections, but also promotes the creation of new information, has the property of synergy and is in a state of dynamic development, sometimes even in bifurcation development. Objectively, the process of development has a significant impact on global and regional social processes and carries both benefits and significant risks, and in the future it will be impossible to conduct research without awareness of its inevitability. The socio-communication space of culture has its own functions, infrastructure and subject components that are determined by the modern and perspective possibilities of information technologies and the need for the development of documentary communication. The complexity and multidimensionality of the socio-communication space of culture necessitates the use of a model approach to the study of the socio-communication space of culture. The essence of a model approach to understanding the socio-communication space of culture is that the study of its properties, connections and relations is carried out by constructing and exploring the functioning of another object that is its model. A system-functional model is proposed as a means of learning about an object, which allows to study it as a system. The system-functional model consists of four interrelated generic elements: «function», «structure», «technology» and «organization». The elements «structure» and «function» are primary, while «technology» and «organization» have a pronounced assured character. The equivalence of the generic elements of the proposed model is due to a basic feature which is the need and sufficiency to ensure the effective functioning of the socio-communication space of culture.

Keywords: model, functions, structure, technology, organization, socio-communication space of culture, social communications, documentary communications.

Author(s) citation:

Dobrovolska Viktoriya (2019). Model Approach in Researching of Culture Socio-Communication Space. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 191-203. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.191


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