Федорчук А. - Президент США в закордонних ресурсах: аналіз змісту публікацій мережі Інтернет (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Fedorchuk Arthur

US President in Foreign Resources: An Analysis of the Online Publications Content

Abstract: The publication presents the results of research of the features of coverage of the US president activities and Donald Trump’s image in foreign information Internet resources. The research was conducted on the basis of media monitoring of a worldwide network. General principles and monitoring technologies are disclosed. The issues of the relevance of monitoring information about the institution of the presidency in the materials of foreign resources of the global network are considered. The technology and methodology of working with the database «Institute of the Presidency in Foreign Media» in the software environment «IRBIS64», which is created in V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine for storing and processing results of monitoring materials of foreign information resources related to the activities and image of the institution of the presidency in the world. Monitoring has shown the usefulness of such research for understanding role of the institute of presidency in the world. It has been concluded that analysis based on monitoring materials could help to determine qualitatively and quantitatively and evaluate world trends of the institute of presidency functioning and peculiarities of presidency coverage in foreign mass media. To help analysts, statistical tables, graphs, brief abstracts, structured by topic or other analyst’ requirements could be provided, as well as the possibility of quick access to primary sources or publications full texts on the network. The functioning of the database «Institute of the Presidency in Foreign Media» has created the possibility of organizing effective monitoring of the information flows of the world network on the problems and characteristics of presidency functioning. The materials provided by such a database could serve as the basis for various studies of both operational and global nature, including retrospective and historical analytical studies.

Keywords: database, internet monitoring, mass media, presidency institute, Internet information resources.

Author(s) citation:

Fedorchuk Arthur (2019). US President in Foreign Resources: An Analysis of the Online Publications Content. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 261-271. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.261


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