Онищенко Н. - Особливості моніторингу й аналізу актуальних проблем суспільства на базі відкритих джерел інформації, фондів бібліотеки для потреб державних органів влади у сфері стратегіних комунікацій (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Onishchenko Nataliya

Features of Monitoring and Analysis of Actual Problems of the Society on the Basis of Open Sources of Information, Library Funds for the Needs of State Authorities in the Sphere of Strategic Communications

Abstract: Features of Monitoring and Analysis of Society Actual Problems on the Basis of Information Open Sources, Library Funds for Needs of State Authorities in the Sphere of Strategic Communications. The article deals with the peculiarities of thematic monitoring and analysis of society actual problems in the sphere of strategic communications based on open sources of information on the Internet, which allow to identify and analyze messages that highlight acute security problems and conflicts in the society that cause real public action; reports highlighting problems which Ukraine experiences in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict. The most important condition for the effective public policy pursue in all spheres of society is the receipt, analysis and efficient use of information. Information and analytical studies in many countries are the basis for strategic decision-making by senior political leadership, in defining the main directions of the country’s development and ensuring its national security. Information and analytical support of public authorities in the field of strategic communications is a purposeful, specific and continuous process of monitoring, analysis, preservation and presentation of information to national security entities by specially established institutions and services. It is a specific activity through which the necessary national security status is achieved and maintained. Monitoring and analysis are the components of strategic communications information and analytics process, which are called to ensure that national security offices receive information about the realization of national interests and threats to them in a timely and accurate manner.

Keywords: strategic communications, media, social networks, monitoring.

Author(s) citation:

Onishchenko Nataliya (2019). Features of Monitoring and Analysis of Actual Problems of the Society on the Basis of Open Sources of Information, Library Funds for the Needs of State Authorities in the Sphere of Strategic Communications. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 272-282. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.272


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