Гриценко Н. - Реферативна інформація як елемент дослідницької інфраструктури, Клюшнікова О., Сандул О. (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Hrytsenko Nataliia, Kliushnikova Olena, Sandul Oksana

Abstract Information as an Element of the Research Infrastructure

Abstract: The role and place of abstract information in the formation of research infrastructure at the national level is determined. The latest research tools with the involvement of network technologies are analyzed. The instrumental potential of abstract databases in promoting research activities is considered. The functions of abstract information in global scientific communication and methods of integration of heterogeneous resources in interoperable systems are explained. Analytical tools for scientific research in databases of abstract information are offered. The considered functionalities of the reference databases prove their instrumental potential in scientific research. Most useful and convenient for scientists can only be integrated into a common complex, a single access window electronic resources. In this context, it is worth emphasizing the successful experience of the VNLU in creating an integrated electronic environment, where an array of full-text papers of scientific periodicals is annotated and interpreted by abstract information, the database of scientists helps to establish networks of co-authorship and to reveal the degree of elaboration of problems, authoritative research names of scientific institutions, and semantic tools provide parameterized search and multidimensional processing of electronic documents in a single user interface. This integrated resource, unlike standalone, non-scientific e-book interconnections, becomes a valuable factor in scientific communication and a knowledge management tool. As a result, abstract information, technologically incorporated into open access databases, has an important place in global scientific communication and becomes one of the key research tools. Organized in this way, summary information becomes a valuable element of the national research infrastructure and contributes to the development of national science in a global context.

Keywords: abstract information, data mining, integrated resources, library databases, research infrastructure, search tools, semantic networks, web resources.

Author(s) citation:

Hrytsenko Nataliia (2019). Abstract Information as an Element of the Research Infrastructure. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 283-293. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.283


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