Глущук Є. - Е-урядування як механізм громадянської участі в умовах масштабування інформаційного поля управлінської діяльності (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Hlushchuk Yevheniia

E-governance as a Mechanism of Civic Participation Under the Conditions of Scaling of Infosphere of Management

Abstract: The article analyzes the key aspects of informatization and networking of contemporary socio-political development, as well as the place and role of information and communication means in the construction of effective socially oriented management structures. It is noted that in the context of the scaling up of the contemporary public policy information field, new social media and network constructs play the role of mechanisms of civic participation in the administrative process by reducing the reality and filling the information vacuum with necessary images and meanings. E-governance and modern network structures are effective means of civic engagement. The article describes the concept of "e-government" and its history. The essence, features and advantages of functioning of e-government technologies are analyzed. It is determined that in connection with the implementation of e-government technology, information and analytical systems of public authorities should be considered as open systems that provide conditions for interactive public participation in the decision-making process. It is established that the implementation of e-government will allow ordinary citizens access to information on the activities of state and local governments, will provide an opportunity for citizens and public organizations to directly participate in the process of drafting decisions taken at all levels of government. It will also reduce the level of corruption and shadow the economy, as well as achieve a new level of governance of the state and society as a whole, and will strengthen citizens' confidence in the institutions of the state. At the same time, e-governance remains an unchanged mechanism for the development and improvement of modern democratization processes.

Keywords: management, civic participation, e-governance, e-democracy, network structures, information society.

Author(s) citation:

Hlushchuk Yevheniia (2019). E-governance as a Mechanism of Civic Participation Under the Conditions of Scaling of Infosphere of Management. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 309-316. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.309


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