Горовий В. - Інформаційні аспекти еволюційних процесів в Україні (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Horovyi Valery

Information Aspects of Evolutionary Processes in Ukraine

Abstract: In accordance with the provisions of the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine, the article deals with the problems of improving the effectiveness of confronting external information aggression in conditions of Russia application of the hybrid technologies of information war, political life hack. In the process of modern information transformations, based on the development of electronic information resources, growing process of self-awareness of social evolution takes place, and consequently, public inquiries for ideological orientations of development are manifested. Thus, the practical aspects of the realization of the problem of conscious management of information processes, the introduction of the ideological component in these processes, are increasingly on the agenda. An important element of this management, as evidenced by the practice of Internet resources development, should be the centers which accumulate socially significant information and could be considered as a source of preparation of information and analytical products to counteract information aggression, and as a guide for further information, development resource. Modern libraries should be transformed into such centers, in accordance with the public demand. This tendency in social development is probable and in demand. Library institutions that master the modern computer technologies and are introduced into the strategic communications structure of the national information space, are becoming a basic element of the modern information system, the basic social mechanism for managing information processes in modern society.

Keywords: global informatization, information war, political life hacking, neutralization of information aggression, computerized library institutions, strategic information communications, political life hack, strategic narrative of the national information complex.

Author(s) citation:

Horovyi Valery (2019). Information Aspects of Evolutionary Processes in Ukraine. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 9-19. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.009


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