Іванова Н. - Система соціальних правових комунікацій в процесі розвитку інформаційного суспільства (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 55)Ukrainian English

Ivanova Natalia

The System of Social Legal Communications in the Process of Information Society Development

Abstract: The article describes the system of social legal communications; much attention is given to the main directions related to the realization of the goals of the social legal communication system; the role of information technology in expansion of traditional understanding of legal communication is considered. It is specially noted that the basis of the system of social legal communications is legal informing, an important aspect of which is the provision of open access to legal information, and that takes place in current conditions through an extensive network of various social institutions using modern digital technologies. The system of social legal communications performs the function of preparing and promoting the participation of citizens in public activity. Its effective functioning influences the motivational sphere of social development, which is especially important in the process of becoming a democratic rule of law in Ukraine. This promotes the harmonious development of each individual through which overall social progress is achieved. The topic under research has a cross-sectoral nature, various aspects of which are simultaneously the subject of research in different scientific disciplines, which is conditioned by the need to solve complex problems of society’s development. The system of social legal communications can be considered as the interaction of social institutions (state, public institutes and information structures of all ownership forms), regarding the creation, processing, analysis and dissemination in the space and time of legal and other socially significant information, that generates the processes totality of circulation and application this information in social legal relations development.

Keywords: system of social legal communications, social communications, information technologies, informing, state, society.

Author(s) citation:

Ivanova Natalia (2019). The System of Social Legal Communications in the Process of Information Society Development. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (55) 37-48. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.55.037


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