Коваль Т. - Організація статистичного обліку користувачів НБУВ, Туровська Л., Шевченко І. (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 56)Ukrainian English

Koval Tetiana, Turovska Lesia, Shevchenko Iryna

The organization of the statistical account of readers

Abstract: The study of the reader VNLU has a glorious tradition. Long-term scientific intelligence on user registration was conducted in different directions and was based on analytical processing of statistical arrays, conclusions of questionnaires and results of visual observations. The current state of this problem is the development of precisely the previous ideas and techniques. Since the 1990s, the VNLU has been involved in a comprehensive study of the reader contingent on the basis of the introduction of information technology readers. With the provision of the status National Library (1995), it launched an automated reader system and commissioned an automated workplace reader (ARM PZCH). Within the framework of these innovations, during 1996–1997 a new technology for the registration of readers was developed; The ARM PZCH readers was modified with a complex of package of applications; a new structure of the reader’s ticket has been created; the system of distributing readers according to the categories with the assignment of ciphers of specialties to them in accordance with the standards of bibliographic and bibliographic classification of sciences has been updated. Thanks to the creation of the DB «Readers of the VNLU», the possibility of a more detailed, in-depth study of the readership of the VNLU as the main object of library activity with differentiated account of its composition appeared. In 1997, the YNLU signed an agreement with LLC TOP-Service to complete a set of works on installing and debugging hardware and software for the production of plastic reader tickets and introduced a software and hardware complex for the manufacture of machine readable plastic reader tickets. It enabled to count readers in an automated mode, operate statistics, differentiate readers by professional categories, ciphers of a specialty, education, age, gender, etc., which positively affected the formation of a modern method of studying the reader contingent. The next integrated solution in the field of automation of library technologies was the introduction in 2012 automated library information system «IRBIS», intended for use in libraries of any type and profile. Designed to fulfill library and information processes of any complexity, it fully complies with the international standards recommended for modern library systems. Compatible with international communicative formats UNIMARK and USMARK, ABIS «IRBIS» provided the organization and support of a wide range of databases of the scientific library, including the DB Readers of the VNLU. Several workshops were included in it, including the «Cataloguer» AWP, which represents the software and hardware complex of a specialist associated with the formation of an electronic catalog, the input of data in accordance with international standards for the presentation of information, adjustment and replenishment of the database. Serving the NB Readers database, the Cataloguer’s CMS provided a new level of statistical analysis of information about readers of the scientific library and the preparation of statistical reports on its results. Creation of a complex automated process of recording users in the VNLU and functioning of a single database of readers’ information led to the operative observation of the evolution of the reader’s contingent, the operation of a wide range of statistical data, the formation of a conceptual framework for the effective development of other library strategic areas, such as the formation of a fund, the adjustment of the nomenclature of library and information services, optimization of the system of service as a whole, as well as the development of uniform normative and methodological documents for the purpose of interlibrary studies according to international standards on the urgent problems.

Keywords: international standardization organization, database «Readers of the VNLU», automated library information system IRBIS, ARM «Catalogizator», library statistics.

Author(s) citation:

Koval Tetiana (2019). The organization of the statistical account of readers. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (56) 158-172. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.56.158


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