Головащук А. - Творчість М. В. Гоголя у бібліографічних посібниках кінця XIX – початку XX ст. (2019)

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Holovashchuk Antonina

Creativity of M. V. Gogol in bibliographical indexes of the end of 19-th – beginning of 20-th century

Abstract: The article analyzes the bibliographical indexes that cover the life and creative heritage of Mykolai Vasilyevich Gogola of the end 19-th – beginning of 20-th century. Information about prominent bibliographers-gogoloscientists who explored the creativity of the writer in particular: S. Ponomaryov, J. Gorozhansky, P. Kulish, V. Shenrok, etc., is provided. The editions that comprehensively reflect the life and creative path of the writer have exceptional scientific value and are saved in the funds of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadskyi. The origin of the Gogol bibliography is connected with the name of the talented Ukrainian bibliographer Stepan Ponomarev. His work «In memory of Gogol: materials for bibliography of literature about him» (1882) – the first generalized systematic index, prepared for the 30-th anniversary of the death of M. Gogol. Among them, who formed the basis of the Gogol bibliography – Yacov Gorozhansky with work «Bibliographic index of literature about Nik. Vas. Gogol 1829–1882». The work of Ya. Gorozhansky is the second, after S. Ponomarev, a great systematic index of M. Gogol’s works and letters, the literature about him, which covers the same period chronologically. In addition, the article is dedicated an interesting bibliographical works: «A index to Gogol’s letters, which includes an explanation of the initials and other abbreviations in the edition of Kulish. With the additional of unpublished excerpts from letters from mother N. V. and his own» (1886) V. Shenroka, «N. V. Gogol in Russian Literature» (1901) by P. Zabolotsky, «Poet Christian N. V. Gogol in Russian Literature and Art (1829–1908)» (1909) by O. Lebedev and others. Therefore the bibliographical indexes studied in this article are a real source of information search and it allows us to claim that such publications now create a separate important group of bibliographic sources, which is of great importance for the propagandize of national literary studies, in particular, of the creativity of M. Gogol.

Keywords: Mykola Vasylovych Gogol, biobibliography, bibliographic indexes, personal indexes, Gogol bibliography.

Author(s) citation:

Holovashchuk Antonina (2019). Creativity of M. V. Gogol in bibliographical indexes of the end of 19-th – beginning of 20-th century. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (56) 345-355. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.56.345


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