Дуднік О. - Більшовицький терор і репресії в революційну добу: особливості відображення у бібліографічних посібниках (2019)

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Dudnik Oleksandr

Bolshevik terror and reprisals in the revolutionary’s era: features of reflection in the bibliographic manuals

Abstract: In the article analyzed bibliographical manuals about the repression and terror of the Soviet era for detection of the materials about the Bolshevik’s terror and repression during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921. The peculiarities of the presentation of materials from the specified subjects of the period of liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people of 1917–1921, the specifics of structural construction and the titles of such manuals are highlighted. The exploration has shown that the thematic content of the descriptions of materials, provided in the bibliographic manuals, is much broader than in the titles of bibliographic publications. The often is it tangent subject about heroic pages, both from the history of the Ukrainian Revolution, its prominent figures, so and descriptions of material about the Bolshevik leaders which had carried out terror and repression and subsequently were its victims. The indexes also contain separate sections on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression, but this is not reflected in their titles. Attempts of the compilers (editors) to maximize expand the volumes of publications at the expense of the including of materials with the tangent or related topics, sometimes this is materials about non-Ukrainian regions, creates thematic vagueness or inconsistency between the thematic of the some materials of content and the thematic of the names of indexes. Representation of the materials about the Soviet and national figures of the state, party, army in the same sections and divisions without isolating them does not contribute to the objective reflection of historical processes and the formation of national consciousness of Ukrainian citizens.

Keywords: bibliographic indexes, the Bolshevik’s repressions and terror, liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people of 1917–1921.

Author(s) citation:

Dudnik Oleksandr (2019). Bolshevik terror and reprisals in the revolutionary’s era: features of reflection in the bibliographic manuals. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (56) 391-403. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.56.391


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