Лощинська Н. - Біографістика в електронній бібліотеці "Україніка" (спроба класифікації) (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 56)Ukrainian English

Loshchynska Natalia

Biography in the electronic library «Ukrainika» (trying classification)

Abstract: The article deals with the task, purpose, and principles of the library «Ukrainika» of VNLU. Resource filling is carried out in different scientific directions and disciplines. Its structure is complex and ramified. Electronic Library «Ukrainica» is an integrated national electronic information resource, which consists of printed publications, archival documents, manuscripts, works of art about Ukraine, regardless of their place of creation and language. Knowledge about Ukraine, its language, customs, traditions, beliefs, mentality is realized by bibliography, archeography, folklore, linguistics, biography and other disciplines. The filling of «Ukrainica» is today a top priority of VNLU because of the great popularity of the resource among readers. This article focuses on Ukrainian biography. Formation of electronic resources of biographical information, solution of their tasks, prospects of development, determination of place and role among other ways of dissemination of personal information, systematization and classification of biographical data constitute a set of important issues that are the subject of study of scientists of different specialties. The author of the article focused on the review of works on biography of leading Ukrainian scientists: V. I. Popyk, Ya. D. Isaevych, I. Kupriyanovych, M. M. Varvartsev. They form the methodological basis for filling the section «Biography» and dividing it into divisions. The direct object of the author’s research is the section «Biographies», which includes: biographies, biographical materials, genealogy, correspondence, me moirs, anthroponymics, personalities. Each unit is analyzed according to different criteria: quantitative content, visit statistics, chronological, typological, structural, stylistic, genre characteristics of the submitted materials. The task of biography is considered at the present stage through the prism of the views of leading scientists. There is a steady interest of users in biographical information.

Keywords: electronic resource, biography, biography, national memory, personalities, memoirs.

Author(s) citation:

Loshchynska Natalia (2019). Biography in the electronic library «Ukrainika» (trying classification). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (56) 404-415. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.56.404


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