Шумілова А. - Відображення творчості репресованих українських письменників у бібліографічних покажчиках (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 56)Ukrainian English

Shumilova Angela

Reflection of creativity of repressed Ukrainian writers in bibliographic indexes

Abstract: In the article has been analyzed the bibliographic sources of the literary branch, reflecting the creativity of repressed Ukrainian writers. The complex historical conditions for the development of the literary process in Ukraine in the 20–30’s of the XX century are described. Attention is drawn to the collection of the bibliographic aids and periodicals of the V. I. Vernadskyi National library of Ukraine, in which reflects the achievements of repressed writers. The processing and dissemination of this information is of vital importance for the development of our society.The scientific and practical relevance of the research topic is conditioned by the general focus on overcoming the politicization of individual resources, their use for global information influences on the young generation. Public relevance is driven by the widespread public interest in developing detailed and accurate information on a wide range of prominent and lesser-known compatriots, including writers, poets who have been exterminated by the Ukrainian authorities. The theoretical and practical significance of the research is in rationale of mutually unrelated generalizations, a holistic view on idea of purpose and use of print media resources, processing and publishing biographical information. This creates a new picture of the nature, place, role of biographical information resources in society from the past to the present. Turning to the study of historical experience as an important part of the cultural, intellectual heritage of peoples, it is first of all necessary to outline their essence and content, purpose, and the historical evolution of the understanding of problems related to socio-political and scientific thought, information practice. The interconnected application of historical, retrospective, systematic, comparative approaches has made it possible to analyze phenomena in parallel, including biographical information at different dimensions in a coherent system of national culture.

Keywords: bibliographic indexes, Ukrainian writers, political repression.

Author(s) citation:

Shumilova Angela (2019). Reflection of creativity of repressed Ukrainian writers in bibliographic indexes. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (56) 416-434. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.56.416


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