Венідиктова А. - Методики визначення якості та ефективності функціонування бібліотек у контексті нормативних документів ISO та ARL (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 56)Ukrainian English

Venidyktova Anna

Methods for determining the quality and efficiency of libraries functioning in the context of iso and arl normative documents

Abstract: The article deals with the study of methods for measuring the quality and performance of libraries that are being developed and implemented by the Association of Research Libraries of the USA and Canada (ARL) and the methods of measuring the effectiveness offered by international ISO standards. The paper focuses on the method of measuring the quality and efficiency of LibQual, which has received widespread recognition in many countries around the world. The indicators of efficiency of library activities offered by ISO international standards are analyzed. The aim of this study is to introduce and analyze the methodology for evaluating the quality and effectiveness of Library Activity LibQUAL, which is used by the Association of Scientific Libraries of the United States and Canada (ARL), in comparison with international ISO standards. The study of the experience of applying the LibQUAL methodology for assessing the quality and performance of libraries, which introduced ARLs for 124 research libraries in Canada and the United States, shows that this technique is an effective tool and has several benefits. The analysis of survey data allows us to assess the relevance of library services to users’ expectations and to reengineering production processes to radically improve the key performance indicators of libraries. The analysis of the LibQUAL method showed that this method does not allow to assess the social long-term impact of libraries, the methods of measurement of which are proposed by the new international standard DSTU ISO 16439: 2016 «Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries. Information and documentation». The economic and organizational effectiveness is not taken into account, the measurement procedures of which are described by the standard DSTU ISO 11620: 2016 «Library performance indicators. Information and docu mentation» and DSTU ISO 2789: 2016 «Information and documentation. International Library Statistics». The study proposes to combine LibQUAL technology with the methods of assessing the impact and effectiveness of libraries described by international ISO standards in order to comprehensively measure the quality and efficiency of libraries.

Keywords: Association of Research Libraries (ARL), LibQUAL method, international ISO standards, quality of service, library performance indicators, assessing the impact of libraries, social efficiency.

Author(s) citation:

Venidyktova Anna (2019). Methods for determining the quality and efficiency of libraries functioning in the context of iso and arl normative documents. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (56) 53-70. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.56.053


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