Желай О. - Модель Інформаційно-аналітичного сервісу бібліотеки у контексті підвищення ефективності суспільно-інформаційного забезпечення (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 57)Ukrainian English

Zhelai Oxana

Model of Library Information-Analytical Service in the Context of Improving the Effi ciency of Public Information Support

Abstract: The article analyzes the ways of modernization of information-analytical service of the library users, in particular the target category: representatives of state agencies, scientific, business structures, etc. Attention is drawn to the application of a simulation method, which is widely used in library science to study a wide range of problems. The model of library electronic information and analytical service is developed, the features, condition and prospects of development of each element of the model are characterized. In the course of the analysis of the model of library electronic information and analytical service its characteristic features are distinguished: complexity, thematicity, interactivity, scientific and intellectual orientation, client orientation. The role and interrelation of structural elements of the model, as well as measures and means to perfect the components of the model in the process of improving library service, are determined. The urgency of the structural modernization of the electronic information and analytical service of the library in order to increase library competitiveness in the information market has been proved. It is determined that the structural elements of the developed model are vectors of development and application of innovations in electronic information and analytical activity of the library. The findings of theoretical experience and practical applications are an important source to improve both scientific and methodological support for this activity area and the quality of library services. The proposed model of electronic information-analytical service of the library testifies to the creation in the modern conditions of an effective mechanism for the use of all socially significant information resources: library funds, new domestic information resources and resources of the global information space in the interests of the development of Ukrainian society.

Keywords: information inquiries, target category of users, model of information and analytical service of the library, improvement of quality of library service.

Author(s) citation:

Zhelai Oxana (2020). Model of Library Information-Analytical Service in the Context of Improving the Effi ciency of Public Information Support. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (57) 102-111. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.57.102


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