Закіров М. - Мережева політична взаємодія в структурі соціальних комунікацій, Закірова С. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 57)Ukrainian English

Zakirov Marat, Zakirova Svitlana

Network Political Interaction in the Structure of Social Communications

Abstract: The paper presents analysis of network political interaction as an integral component of modern social communications. The features of the synergistic effect of the interaction of political actors as subjects of a political network in the real world, and the effectiveness of their virtual political interaction on the Internet are determined. It is emphasized that today a certain evolution of the place and role of network political interaction in the structure of social communications tales place. As social networks develop, formal power institutions gradually lose their hierarchical privileges to disseminate information and, to a certain extent, are forced to continue communication as part of a nationwide political network. Global social networks have opened up the possibility of targeted influence on certain target groups of the Internet audience, which in combination with traditional methods of propaganda provides the effect of synergy in the results of political communication. The uncontrolled use of this technology moves political struggle into the virtual world and opens up unlimited possibilities for manipulating the opinions of citizens. Social networks not only significantly changed the essence of political interaction and the balance of forces in society, they turned network interaction into the main tool of social communications about obtaining and maintaining political power. Among the many factors of growing popularity of social networks as a means of communication between government and society, a significant role is played by the effect of rapprochement and a certain openness of communication. The use of social networks as a means of information exchange of power and society significantly changes the nature of social communication, expands the boundaries of communication, frees from unnecessary officialdom, provides dynamism and helps to respond quickly to information requests of society.

Keywords: social networks, political interaction, information exchange, social communications, library activities, social communication, crowdsourcing, identity, social media.

Author(s) citation:

Zakirov Marat (2020). Network Political Interaction in the Structure of Social Communications. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (57) 163-175. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.57.163


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