Струнгар В. - Еволюція інтернет-представництва інформаційно-аналітичних структур (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 57)Ukrainian English

Strungar Valeriia

Evolution of Internet Representation of Information and Analytical Structures

Abstract: The article deals with the evolution of the Internet representation of libraries on the example of the stages of functioning of the representation of various information and analytical structures of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The first stage (2000–2013) of their functioning is described − the work of separate pages on the official portal of the library. The second stage (2013-2020) of functioning of the Internet representation is the transformation of pages on the portal and the allocation of a full-fledged portal of web pages of the Foundation of Presidents of Ukraine, the National Law Library, the Service of Information and Analytical Support of Government Agencies, connected with the general library portal. The connection of functional capabilities and evolution of the portal of information and analytical structures at various stages of its activity has been studied. Criteria for evaluating the portal activity are proposed and applied: presentation of units products, filling of information space with qualitative information and structuring of Internet information, communication with users. The products of the portal «Social Communications Research Center», which can be classified as information and analytical and scientific materials, are analyzed. The functionality of the portal has been investigated: searching for information on the portal, presenting materials on the portal, downloading materials and providing feedback. One of the most important indicators of portal development is communication with users, as well as evaluation of feedback effectiveness on users requests. The main characteristics of the portal are defined: universality, interactivity, accessibility, mobility, communicativeness. The specific characteristics of the portal are highlighted, namely: dynamics of development, interoperability, reactivity of technological development, hybridicity.

Keywords: library, information and analytical structures, VNLU, Internet representation, portal, integrated portal, communication.

Author(s) citation:

Strungar Valeriia (2020). Evolution of Internet Representation of Information and Analytical Structures. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (57) 176-191. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.57.176


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