Ворошилов О. - Стратегічні комунікації у контексті еволюції наукових бібліотек (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 57)Ukrainian English

Voroshilov Oleg

Strategic Communications in the Context of the Evolution of Scientific Libraries

Abstract: The article clarifies the essence of the concept of "strategic communications", highlights the main components of the stratcoms and the factors that led to their rapid development. The contribution of domestic scientists to the development of this problem is analyzed. The importance of the place of national scientific libraries as a subject of strategic communications, conditioned by the development of informatization of the society, improvement of its self-organization, updating of the sphere of administrative activity, deepening of democratic processes is emphasized and the fact that nowadays the leading scientific libraries of Ukraine have become powerful information and analytical centers producing their own informational product is stressed. The the VNLU scholars research on the role of the scientific library in the formation of the information resource of strategic communications of Ukrainian society is analyzed, perspective directions of work in this field are outlined. The paper also deals with the study of stratcoms activities, in particular in the structure of social communications, to provide legal support for the process of democratization of Ukrainian society, in the process of development of e-governance, affirmation in the public life of presidential initiatives, organization of information security of stratcoms etc. In general, the research agenda for the topic involves the study of the following issues: information orientations of library activity in the context of ensuring the effectiveness of strategic communications; the main directions of improving library activity in providing strategic communications with the development of information resource; generalization of the basic directions of optimization of libraries information resource in activation of strategic communications in international information exchanges.

Keywords: strategic communications, global information resources, libraries, information and analytical units, V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

Author(s) citation:

Voroshilov Oleg (2020). Strategic Communications in the Context of the Evolution of Scientific Libraries. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (57) 204-213. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.57.204


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