Кулицький С. - Інституційний потенціал наукової бібліотеки для формування стратегічних комунікацій у сфері економіки (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 57)Ukrainian English

Kulytskyi Sergii

Scientific Library Institutional Potential in Forming Strategic Communications in the Field of Economy

Abstract: Institutional potential of a scientific library is defined as a set of formal and informal rules and procedures according to which library satisfies the information needs of different categories of subjects and Ukrainian society as a whole. Institutional potential of a scientific library is realized through the organization of its information-analytical work and the competition of the library with other information intermediaries. After all, the interchangeability of information products creates competition among information intermediaries for consumers of information. The article deals with the competitive advantages of the scientific library over other information intermediaries in the process of forming strategic communications in the field of economy. The exceptional importance of highly skilled workers and the team manner for accomplishing information and analytical work as scientific library competitive advantages in the information space of Ukraine are substantiated. It is practically proved that under the current conditions, a scientific library could accept different competitive strategies, depending on the review or analytical nature of its own information product it offers users to form strategic communications of the Ukrainian economy. The competition strategies of a large scientific library in the creation of review and analytical products are offered. The empirical basis of the research are the works performed by researchers of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The main factor limiting the use of the institutional potential of the scientific library is the amount of financial resources could spent on its information and analytical activities.

Keywords: analytical product, economy, institutes, institutional potential, information, competition, scientific library, organizational and production potential, strategic communications.

Author(s) citation:

Kulytskyi Sergii (2020). Scientific Library Institutional Potential in Forming Strategic Communications in the Field of Economy. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (57) 214-228. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.57.214


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