Кашеварова Н. - Нацистська ідеологія і пропаганда на сторінках "Інформаційного бюлетеня" Служби Розенберґа під час Другої світової війни (2020)

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Kashevarova Nataliya

Nazi Ideology and Propaganda in the Pages of the Mitteilungsblatt of the Dienststelle Rosenberg during the Second World War

Abstract: The article analyzes official newsletter “Mitteilungsblatt” that has been published by the Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the Supervision of the Entire Intellectual and Ideological Schooling and Training of the NSDAP (aka Dienststelle Rosenberg) as a source for supporting an ideology as a component of the Nazi policy in the occupied European countries, of the Nazi propaganda and political education. The main data of the Mitteilungsblatt is characterized: its publication frequency, structure, mission, target audience, its place amongst print publications that were published by the Dienststelle Rosenberg, as well as its completeness and current storage location. It has been established that the official publications of the Dienststelle Rosenberg have not been considered until this point by researchers as sources on the history of National Socialism and political education in the Third Reich. Subject matters of the Mitteilungsblatt have been described and it has been found that a prevalent part of its papers deals with the Soviet Union, namely communist ideology and propaganda and their effect on Soviet people, communist morality, economic policy (collectivization and industrialization), militarization propaganda and preparations for a war long before the World War II began. It has been established that the Mitteilungsblatt was intended for use by the ideological education and political training of the Nazi party members, military officers, public servants of the German occupation authorities.

Keywords: Commissioner of the Fuehrer for the Supervision of the Entire Intellectual and Ideological Schooling and Training of the NSDAP, the Mitteilungsblatt, Nazi ideology, propaganda, World War II.

Author(s) citation:

Kashevarova Nataliya (2020). Nazi Ideology and Propaganda in the Pages of the Mitteilungsblatt of the Dienststelle Rosenberg during the Second World War. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (57) 355-365. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.57.355


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