Федорчук А. - Аналіз результатів моніторингу інституту президентства в ресурсах всесвітньої мережі (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 57)Ukrainian English

Fedorchuk Arthur

Analysis of the Results of the Monitoring of the Institutional Presidency in the World Wide Web Resources

Abstract: The publication presents the analysis of the results of the monitoring of the institutional presidency in the world via the Internet information resources: electronic versions of the world’s leading mass media, the most reputable information-analytical and news portals, news agencies and more. As well the technology of Internet monitoring and work with the database «The Institutional Presidency in Foreign Mass Media», which was created by researchers of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine to preserve and further process and analyze the results of monitoring the activities and image of the institutional presidency in the world is presented. The relevance of the publication arises from the growing role of information resources of the World Wide Web in society and the need to create and develop effective technologies for analyzing information flows generated by the network, as well as the urgent need to use these tools to study the trends of the institutional presidency in the world in order to obtain clear guidelines for the development of Ukrainian state institutions. The purpose of the article is to illustrate the results of the statistical, bibliometric and qualitative analysis of the monitoring materials of the institutional presidency in the information resources of the World Wide Web during 2019, to confirm the possibility to reveal general trends of coverage of the institutional presidency in the information space and to outline the prospects of using the monitoring tool content network tools research. The monitoring the Internet was chosen as a research method to study the institutional presidency in the world – a complex of research on finding, analyzing, classifying, processing and storing information from the Internet on the subject of specific research. It allowed to monitor the development of specific processes in society and to reflect them in the information space.

Keywords: database, Internet monitoring, mass media, presidency institute, information resources.

Author(s) citation:

Fedorchuk Arthur (2020). Analysis of the Results of the Monitoring of the Institutional Presidency in the World Wide Web Resources. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (57) 80-89. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.57.080


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