Кривецький О. - Роль і місце бібліотечної журналістики в системі засобів масових комунікацій (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Krivetsky Oleg

The Role and Place of Library Journalism in the System of Mass Communications

Abstract: The article substantiates the importance of library as a component in the system of mass communication, as it organizes the accumulation and transmission of socially important information in time and space, and its services can be used by unlimited number of people. The issue of using modern mass communication channels by libraries of Ukraine is considered. The deepening of ideas about mass communication processes in the library sphere is investigated. The directions of library development in the system of mass communication are covered. The place of library journalism in the system of mass media is determined. In particular, it is emphasized that libraries are full-fledged mass media that cover current issues and encourage citizens to participate in their solution.Attention is drawn to the fact that library journalism in Ukraine is traditionally associated with the cultural space, as it covers mainly library events, educational and artistic spheres of human life. Therefore, there is a strong need to attract foreign experience in order to expand users audience and to implement libraries cultural and educational mission among all segments of the population. A comparative analysis of library journa- lism in Ukraine and the United States is presented. It is emphasized that library journalism expands the cultural context of events familiar to libraries and embodies the basic principles of a democratic society. This experience contributes to raising the level of cultural and educational mission of Ukrainian libraries and reaching a new international level of journalism. It is emphasized that the perspective directions of further research are the analysis of library journalism of European libraries, introduction of their experience and development of ways to optimize library journalism in Ukraine.

Keywords: library, library journalism, mass communication, mass work, communication channels.

Author(s) citation:

Krivetsky Oleg (2020). The Role and Place of Library Journalism in the System of Mass Communications. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 117-126. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.117


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