Аксьонова Н. - Аудіокнига як сучасний бібліотечний ресурс (порівняльний аналіз поширення на міжнародній платформі "Ютуб"), Самсонов М. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Aksjonova Natalia, Samsonov Mykhailo

Audiobook as a Modern Library Resource (Comparative Analysis of Distribution on the International Platform YouTube)

Abstract: The article explores the issues of audiobook distribution on the Internet and determines that it means for libraries an additional electronic resource that can be used to enrich library sites. We emphasize the positive aspects of using audio books as a source of knowledge, education for people with hearing impairments, for people and children who cannot read, as a way to obtain new information for development, self-education. The advantages of listening to audiobooks are emphasized, namely: eyesight is at rest, a person can combine several tasks (multitasking); use time effectively: listen standing in line, in public transport, doing household chores, sports.It is also emphasized that the convenience and ease of listening to audiobooks makes it possible to access Ukrainian-language content in any part of the world, because it is more difficult to buy an Ukrainian paper book abroad. A comparative analysis of the presentation of audiobooks on the Youtube platform allows to identify the channels with the most viewing, listening, audio language. To this end, 26 channels were analyzed and it was found that the number of Ukrainian-language sources is many times less than in Russian-language sources, so insufficient attention is paid to the use of this powerful source.It is proposed for further development of Ukrainian libraries to create and upload their database of audiobooks on Youtube, as one of the promising areas to expand the subscriber base of readers. Thus, it is concluded that due to the advent of audio literature, libraries have additional opportunities to use the resource to promote the Ukrainian language, referring to YouTube channels where a wide range of diverse, interesting works, thus making their public educational contribution to the education of intellectual, a well-developed, patriotic person who values his culture. In addition, emphasis is placed on the fact that the use of audiobooks is also an important element, a strategic component in the system of protection of information and cultural space of the state from information wars.

Keywords: audiobook, library, information space, channel, resource, YouTube.

Author(s) citation:

Aksjonova Natalia (2020). Audiobook as a Modern Library Resource (Comparative Analysis of Distribution on the International Platform YouTube). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 159-172. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.159


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