Тимошенко І. - Генезис комунікаційно-документаційного забезпечення медичної галузі (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Tymoshenko Inessa

Genesis of Communication and Documentation Support of Medical Industry

Abstract: The article analyzes the conditions of formation of the documentation provision of medicine, health, and medical education. The author raises questions about the difficulties of scientific and information support of the practical needs of health care. The main stages of the communication and documentation activities in the healthcare industry for the dissemination of medical knowledge, is designed. Chronologically and functionally the publishing stage is the first one for development of documentation activities. The role of information workers is performed by editors and publishers who provided training plans for publication, editorial processing, printing and finally for products distribution. The second stage is the information in the notification, it is connected with the organization of medical libraries and the creation of information assets. A feature of this stage was the creation of bibliographic apparatus, which consisted of alphabetic and systematic catalogues, the catalogue of author’s abstracts and dissertations, periodicals subscribed by libraries. The third stage is library informing. Increasing of scientific and medical documents flow required more advanced form of information activities, which was based on the principles of informing, that is, the selection of specific scientific and medical documents and bring information about them to scientists, doctors and teachers. The fourth stage in the development of documentation activities – documentation services – is the traditional form of documentation activity for libraries. It’s aim is to ensure a greater orientation in the stream of periodicals and is widely used by individual methods of informing readers.The fifth stage is the stage of documentation to ensure. Library-information system of scientific institutions of NAMS of Ukraine became part of the sectoral structure of scientific medical information. Unit NMI promptly provide researchers and practitioners of health care institutions with documentation on specific issues related to the institutions activities, achievements of medical science and healthcare practice.Now the system of scientific medical documentation becomes almost the most important factor in improving the organization of innovation processes.

Keywords: documentation, medical information, scientific and information needs, scientific and medical literature.

Author(s) citation:

Tymoshenko Inessa (2020). Genesis of Communication and Documentation Support of Medical Industry. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 184-194. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.184


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