Закірова С. - Стратегічна роль комунікацій в концепції перехідного правосуддя: міжнародний досвід постконфліктних суспільств (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Zakirova Svitlana

Strategic Role of Communication in the Concept of Transitional Justice: International Experience of Post-Confl ict Societies

Abstract: On the basis of the experience of different countries and regions of the world, the article analyzes the place and role of communication in the concept of transitional justice. The author reveals the strategic importance of the communicative component of transitional justice in order to achieve the overriding goal of restoring a peace life in the post-conflict period. Communication is a compulsory element and, at the same time, an effective concept tool, as it creates the fundamental opportunities for the implementation of transitional justice tasks. The information-communication activities of state, public and international organizations and institutions make it possible to smooth out acute points and painful issues in post-conflict societies.Educational activity plays an important role in the process of restoring justice and further developing post-conflict states. In such countries and regions, education serves as a platform for public dialogue and a tool for conflict resolution. To this end, special programs and techniques are created to make sense of the events of the past and to prevent this from happening again.In many post-conflict countries, special institutions have been established and various activities have been functionally engaged in restoring justice and promoting social dialogue. The international experience of post-conflict societies testifies to the effective cooperation of such institutions with regional and world organizations in restoring justice and returning to a peaceful life. The article gives practical examples of the activities of reputable regional and world organizations dealing with transitional justice – the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa and the International Center for Transitional Justice.International experience in the administration of transitional justice confirms that a properly structured communication strategy enables the different parties to the conflict to hear each other, to establish a public dialogue, and to create the conditions for restoring peace and justice.

Keywords: communication, transitional justice, public dialogue, post-conflict society, International Center for Transitional Justice.

Author(s) citation:

Zakirova Svitlana (2020). Strategic Role of Communication in the Concept of Transitional Justice: International Experience of Post-Confl ict Societies. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 235-250. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.235


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