Чернявська Л. - Практика відкритого доступу для ресурсів Women's studies у бібліотеках (2020)

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Cherniavska Lina

Open Access Practices for Womens Studies Resources in Libraries (Case of German Libraries)

Abstract: The article covers issues of access, use, classification of research collections in Womens studies in German libraries’ journal funds. Attention is drawn to the importance of using scientific journals in terms of the relevance and promptness of obtaining information. The positive practice of creating an open access information platform open-access.net is analyzed. The platform provides free and unrestricted online access to scientific information while access to the content of many academic journals is difficult and expensive. German experts gain extensive experience how to use open-source databases, text collections and information suggestions that contain or list electronic publications within the platform. Researchers in countries where libraries are not subscribed to scientific journals benefit the most from the introduction of the open access platform, because, due to the high cost, most libraries cannot afford to subscribe to all scientific journals. This practice greatly expands the range of knowledge and consumers of this knowledge. The reader – anyone – scientists, students, politicians, public figures or just interested citizens can get free access to knowledge in the field of Womens Studies. For Ukraine, a country that has recently begun to pay attention to gender issues, such experience is very important, as it covers key issues of gender research, the place of women in society, government policies on improving and empowering women, as well as information on international and non-governmental activities. women’s empowerment organizations is very relevant. Attracting public attention to such information promotes citizens’ awareness of women’s rights and opportunities, teaches women to exercise their rights, increases their participation in socio-economic and political life and, as a consequence, significantly improves their socio-economic status.

Keywords: gender, library, information and communication activities of libraries, library information resources, scientific libraries, library databases, open access, journal fund, information society.

Author(s) citation:

Cherniavska Lina (2020). Open Access Practices for Womens Studies Resources in Libraries (Case of German Libraries). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 268-276. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.268


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