Горовий В. - Бібліотечні орієнтири в глобальних інформаційних обмінах (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Horovyi Valery

Library Guidelines in Global Information Exchanges

Abstract: The article deals with a new stage of development of information processes in Ukrainian society. This stage is conditioned by enhanced globalization processes, accelerated development of national informatization, the growing importance of the effective use of both newly created information resources and ones available for the previous generations, which could be considered as the key issue to national development. In the strategic dimension, the development of nations in modern conditions in the author’s vision is determined by the main triad of strategic tasks related to the ability to use effectively the resources of the global information space for nation development, to make effective own contribution to the process of development of the basic resources of the new information society and to organize its information security in the best possible way, as an important component of modern public security in general. It emphasizes that the qualities mentioned above should be based on effective system of strategic communication would be at modern user’s disposal.The article emphasizes the particular importance of transforming the library system which operates in Ukraine now into computerized new information centers that would play the role of the information bank network of the updated information exchange system in the process of social development. In modern conditions, such institutions should perform not only the role of the focal point of public useful information resources, but also act to improve the efficiency of use of the resource base of informatization. Based on the already existing practice of servicing, including one for remote users, all types of information resources of management structures, business, Ukrainian research institutions, other categories of the Vernadsky National library of Ukraine users, the article outline perspective directions for modern library activity development, related to the selection of information useful for the national development of global information space, accumulation of information on national information creation, bringing the content of available resources to users through the development of information and analytical activities and facilitating the preparation necessary for national development of information products in the optimal balance of new and traditional, sovereign information.

Keywords: global information resources, national information space, national informatization, library system, activation of library institutions in information exchanges, accumulation of foreign and domestic information in library collections, development of information-analytical work, security function of library.

Author(s) citation:

Horovyi Valery (2020). Library Guidelines in Global Information Exchanges. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 11-24. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.011


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