Дубас Т. - Науково-видавнича діяльність НБУВ: розвиток напрямів, видів та жанрів видавничої продукції 1991-2019) (2020)

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Dubas Tetiana

Scientific and Publishing Activity of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: Fundamental Changes, Development of Directions (1991–2019)

Abstract: The main tendencies of changes in scientific and publishing activity of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, formation of new structure of publishing acti- vity, new directions, types and forms of scientific editions, technologies of preparation of editions, during years of independence of Ukraine. These changes were caused by development of democratic society and emergence of modern electronic publishing, which directly affected the implementation of new aspects of research, scien- tific information and the way libraries perform their information and analytical functions.Emphasis is placed on the fact that the special feature peculiarity of scientific and publishing products of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine during the independence of Ukraine has been certain creativity as a mark of any scientific publication, species aspect, which was a consequence of the desire to provide scientific knowledge about the subject.It is noted that in the conditions of development of electronic technologies at a high level the scientific and publishing activity of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, the quality of library publications has improved, the preparation and issue of electronic publications is being actively implemented. Collective and individual monographs, collections of documents and materials, collections of scientific works, bibliographic, reference, scientific and information editions, scientific and methodical editions, as well as journals: scientific and theoretical, practical, abstract, information and analytical ones are published annually on the publishing and printing base of NBUV. A wide genre-type palette of library publications is presented.It is emphasized that the monographs published by the NBUV revealed theoretical and methodological studies consucted bt the library scholars. The monographs by the library leading researchers, who headed these directions and laid the foundation for the defense of doctoral dissertations, are singled out. A significant number of monographs have been published on the results of the defense of candidate dissertations and represent various areas of research, which were unsertaken under the library scientific topics. Publications of manuscript, book and documents which are the part of the cultural heritage and keep in the NBUV collections, are of significant amount. Attention is drawn to the characteristic feature, which is the joint participation of specialists from various academic institutions in the preparation of publications.

Keywords: V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, scientific and publishing activity, monographic editions of NBUV, serial editions, scientific and bibliographic indexes, scientific catalogs, professional collections of scientific works.

Author(s) citation:

Dubas Tetiana (2020). Scientific and Publishing Activity of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: Fundamental Changes, Development of Directions (1991–2019). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 377-393. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.377


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