Клименко О. - Нормативно-методична база діяльності бібліотек в Україні: джерела дослідження, Сокур О. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Klymenko Oksana, Sokur Olena

Regulatory and Methodological Base of Libraries in Ukraine: Sources for Study

Abstract: The article presents the analysis and substantiation of the author’s systematization of the sources for study of the genesis of normative-methodological base of library information activities as an important tool in influencing communication activity in the world scientific and education and cultural space, taking into account the dynamics of transformations in all spheres of public life.The purpose of the article is to represent the modern system of sources for study of regulatory and methodological base of Ukrainian national scientific libraries information activities. The concept of systematization of sources for such a study was based on the object-subjectivity of the study material. Documents were grouped basing on their resemblance to a generalized model of a multilevel structure of research sources facilitates orientation in a huge array and establishes hierarchical relationships between them, and allows you to establish the specifics of each document. The legal environment of library and information activities includes by-laws which are adopted for more detailed and specific regulation in order to promptly resolve issues, form a complex system, and they are classified according to different criteria. The modern openness of professional information and access to library sites has significantly increased the involvement of such important information content as charters, rules, instructions, reports and more. It is internal library normative documents (local regulations) that are the legal basis for the implementation of specific aspects of the work of each library, as a special sociocultural phenomenon in order to realize the innovative vector of Ukraine development in terms of digitalization.The whole set of documents is reasonably divided into two groups, each of them is substantively characterized: a legal framework that includes rules of international law and applicable national legislation, and scientific publications that contain intelligence of domestic and foreign experience of functioning of the library and information sphere given that library and information sphere become a network model of transnational integration.

Keywords: library business, scientific library, information resources, legislation of Ukraine, normative legal act, information space, standardization.

Author(s) citation:

Klymenko Oksana (2020). Regulatory and Methodological Base of Libraries in Ukraine: Sources for Study. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 449-468. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.449


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