Штих П. - Соціальні мережі як засіб просування довідково-бібліографічних продуктів та послуг у системі національних комунікацій (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Shtykh Pavlo

Social Networks as a Means of Promoting Reference and Bibliographic Products and Services in the System of National Communications

Abstract: The article deals with the effectiveness of interaction between the audience of the web-page of the Department of scientific and bibliographic information of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine with publications (posts) on the social network Facebook. Areas which could be seen as priority ones for further development and support of the page are identified, and some recommendations are given for more efficient use of the resources of this social network and its statistical capabilities for a more detailed analysis of audience interaction. Some recent publications by Ukrainian researchers are also considered, they note the importance and expediency of using the social network Facebook, and at the same time emphasize some problematic issues in regulating the activities of employees.Emphasis is placed on the importance of regulating the activities of employees involved in the support of the Facebook page.Considering the steady increase in the number of users and the low percentage of subscribers, it is determined that the strategy of representation of the Department in this social network has been made quite well.It is determined that in order to promote library information products and services on the social network Facebook, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards regarding posting, maintain feedback with subscribers and supporters of the page, post content according to the reactions of the public. It is noted that for effective monitoring of the interaction of the page with users, it is necessary to systematically refer to the available detailed statistical information provided by Facebook.Social media (in particular, the Facebook social network) is a valuable universal tool for establishing a productive and effective interaction of the library or its structural unit with active and potential users thanks to its multi-format and wide range of tools for interactive communication.

Keywords: social media, reference and bibliographic publications, bibliographic services, information services, library, Facebook.

Author(s) citation:

Shtykh Pavlo (2020). Social Networks as a Means of Promoting Reference and Bibliographic Products and Services in the System of National Communications. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 469-478. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.469


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