Каменєва Т. - Сучасна бібліотека як центр неформальної освіти (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Kamenieva Tetiana

Modern Library as a Center of an Informal Education

Abstract: The article highlights main trends in the development of library services that are focused on the educational needs of modern users in the provisions of the concept of longlife learning implementation context. It is specially noted that in order to create conditions for a high-quality informal education, libraries actively apply innovative approaches to its organization and establish cooperation with providers of educational services. Particularly, the emblematic case of cooperation between Austrian and German libraries with the Higher National Schools (Volkshochschule) is examined. Such collaboration allows to achieve common goals and make ideas true in the line of support and improvement of the educational process in the regions. A global trend of opening of the creative educational spaces in the libraries is described. In those spaces also known as «makerspaces» or «FabLabs» anyone can learn and use high-tech and cutting-edge equipment. The experience of the Tower Hamlets London area’s libraries transformation into modern «Idea Stores» which in partnership with «learndirect», a UK’s network of distance educational centers, offer ample opportunities for informal education, is highlighted. Modern blockchain technologies which enable modernization of study resources management system and making it robust and decentralized are reviewed. It is mentioned that the blockchain technology provides one solution for two problems: the study programs outdate problem and creation of a unified system for dynamic workforce search. It is substantiated that informal education practices are becoming an important aspect of library activity nowadays, opening up wide prospects for effective realization of educational function in modern conditions.

Keywords: non-formal education, informal education, longlife learning, library, educational function of the library, distance education.

Author(s) citation:

Kamenieva Tetiana (2020). Modern Library as a Center of an Informal Education. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 479-489. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.479


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