Кулицький С. - Аналітичні продукти наукової бібліотеки як складова інформаційного забезпечення (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Kulytskyi Sergii

Analytical Products of a Scientific Library as a Component of Information Support of International Strategic Communications of the Ukrainian Economy

Abstract: The article presents the research of the possibilities of using analytical products of a scientific library for the substantive content of international strategic communications of the Ukrainian economy. The large scientific library, due to its wide range of sources of information and access to the Internet, can produce various analytical products for international strategic communications of the Ukrainian economy. These analytical products take form of messages, narratives. When forming international strategic communications of the Ukrainian economy, analytical products of the scientific library could be used to determine the strategic goals of participants in international economic relations; international economic relations and prospects for their development; formation of strategic narratives and discourse of these communications by participants of international economic relations. The content of analytical products of the scientific library for international strategic communications of the Ukrainian economy includes analytical reports on issues of foreign trade, labor migration, investment and financial-credit cooperation. As well the article deals with the transformation of the structure of Ukrainian international trade in 2013−2018, which had suffered from the Black Swan effect as a result of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine. Now the problem of commodity and geographical diversification of Ukrainian international trade is very acute. Over the last decade the geography of labor migration of the Ukrainian workforce has undergone significant changes. Proportion of migrant workers have shifted from Russia to European Union countries. Requirements for forming strategic communications in the sphere of financial relations of Ukraine are growing. The problem of predictability of the trajectory of development of Ukraine’s international financial relations is becoming increasingly important.

Keywords: analytical product, international trade, economy, information, international economic relations, scientific (universal) library, strategic communications, labor migration.

Author(s) citation:

Kulytskyi Sergii (2020). Analytical Products of a Scientific Library as a Component of Information Support of International Strategic Communications of the Ukrainian Economy. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 25-40. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.025


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