Саморукова О. - Деструктивна поведінка в соціальних мережах як інструмент інформаційної війни (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 58)Ukrainian English

Samorukova Olga

Destructive Behavior on Social Networks as a Tool of Information Warfare

Abstract: The article presents the study of destructive behavior can be seen in communication in social networks on the Internet. With the development of the information society and rapid growth of the Internet, a new phenomenon such as trolling is emerging. The emergence of trolling has become possible mainly due to network anonymity. The term trolling is also used to describe the activities of trolls in general. Peculiarities and main characteristics of this phenomenon, its functions and motives of manifestation, identification of orientation and tendencies of its development are determined in the article. In particular, the destructive activities of trolls and typical models for the discourse of social networks that manipulate information in order to influence and shape public opinion are analyzed. In addition, this phenomenon is considered as a manifestation of social aggression. Trolling is described as one of the tools of information warfare in interstate conflicts. Trolling is increasingly used as a technology in the political sphere. The aim of the study is to determine the means of trolls targeted influence on public opinion, the main methods and techniques aimed at changing citizens’consciousness and behavior to achieve political goals. The analysis of trolling researches in social networks is carried out. The role of library information and analytical centers, public organizations, institutes in conducting relevant research is revealed. National and international measures, including the creation of specialized bodies to combat systemic destructive manifestations in social networks, are analyzed.

Keywords: social networks, trolling, manipulation, destructive behavior, public opinion, information war, image of the state.

Author(s) citation:

Samorukova Olga (2020). Destructive Behavior on Social Networks as a Tool of Information Warfare. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (58) 82-92. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.58.082


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