Блиндарук С. - Довідково-бібліографічна діяльність бібліотек наукових установ НАН України у 2013–2018 рр. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 59)Ukrainian English

Blyndaruk Svetlana

Reference and Bibliographic Activity of the Scientific Libraries of Institutes of the National Academic Sciences of Ukraine in 2013–2018

Abstract: The article analyzes the reference and bibliographic activity of the libraries of scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine for the preparation of bibliographic indexes, compilation of bibliographic lists, performance of oral and written bibliographic references during 2013–2018. The ways of activating the interaction of the LSI, the priority directions of the formation of library and information resources at the present stage are highlighted.It is proved that the intensification of LSI interaction requires the modernization of material and technical support, the introduction of unified information and communication technologies and the intensification of organizational and methodological support, a permanent system of professional development.There are examples of improving reference and bibliographic activities of LSI by using their common information platforms of other institutions not only domestic as NBUV, but also foreign to create bibliographic resources, electronic catalogs, electronic full-text databases and present their electronic collections in the world information network.The ways of interaction of LSI are analyzed, it is found out that at the present stage the priority is the integration of library and information resources, the use of modern information technologies, with the expansion of services that will provide libraries with major foreign bibliographic and full-text information resources.All this will enrich the information potential of the library, expand the information base for all types of inquiries and provide users with new opportunities for information support of scientific activities.

Keywords: reference and bibliographic activity, reference and bibliographic funds, bibliographic aids, information publications, scientific institutions, academic libraries, information and bibliographic work.

Author(s) citation:

Blyndaruk Svetlana (2020). Reference and Bibliographic Activity of the Scientific Libraries of Institutes of the National Academic Sciences of Ukraine in 2013–2018. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (59) 329-355. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.59.329


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