Потіха А. - Засоби масової комунікації політичних партій як складова відображення політичного процесу в Україні в умовах світових глобальних процесів (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 60)Ukrainian English

Potikha Andrii

Political Parties Media as a Component of the Mapping of the Political Process in Ukraine in the Context of Global Processes

Abstract: The paper draws attention to the processes of changes in political systems since the beginning of the 90s around the world. The fact that the socialist system collapsed caused comprehensive changes not only directly in the countries of Central and Southeast Europe, but also significantly affected the transformation of the entire system of international politics. The democratization process that swept the European countries did not bypass Ukraine either. Using the world experience in the formation of political systems and the place of mass communication in this process, Ukrainian politicians also pay great attention to the development of parties media to use them in the political struggle for power. Indeed, an important element of global social transformations of the late 19th - early 20th century was increasing the role and influence of the media in public relations, which has became the determining driver of social development over time. The role of political parties media as a component of the reflection of the political process in Ukraine in the context of global processes, the influence of information from party publications on the formation of political moods in society during election campaigns is analyzed. The Ukrainian and world experience in analysis and preservation media information for further use for study the formation of political processes and formation of multi-party systems is compiled. The features of the functioning of political parties media in Ukraine in the period 1991-2019 are noted. Given the importance of political parties activities for the functioning of the democracy system in various countries, as well as the influence of political parties on the development of processes in realities of civil society, the materials of party mass media become sources of thorough information and analytical processing which various libraries analytical structures that are engaged in information support of the process of social transformations, perform through the preparation of scientific and analytical products. In this regard, the problem of software and technological provision of scientific and analytical processing of materials of party media, arises. Foreign experience shows that with the help of special programs foreign libraries have the ability to archive not only individual Internet resources, but entire segments of the Internet space. In this regard, the experience of the National Library of Norway which, since 2005, uploads daily online versions of all newspapers in the Norwegian Internet domain, is impressive.

Keywords: political parties media, study and preservation of parties publications, National Library of Norway.

Author(s) citation:

Potikha Andrii (2020). Political Parties Media as a Component of the Mapping of the Political Process in Ukraine in the Context of Global Processes. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (60) 212-226. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.60.212


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